Shyroc is 20 years old and was born and raised for the most part in Virginia. Raised in a single parent relationship
with 4 brothers and 2 sisters. Shyroc was destant to do somthing in the muzic industry infront or behind the scenes. He began
to rap at about the age of 12 when he came across some neighborhood friends that did the same thing. Creating G.I.T Click
meaning G's in training. This phase broke up quickly when two of the three members moved back too South Carolina. This never
stoped the grind tho'.Shyroc then linked up with a rapper named Sun Tzu and became a group called Neo Maytrx.For the next
two and a half years, we started recruiting more people and fam. Eventually Shyroc realized that his soildiers along
with himself were always on a mission. He held a meeting and thats when they became the G.O.O.M Squad which means G's
Out Ona mission. Shyroc has released and been on numerous mixtapes,albums and collabo's as well as been in many performances
and shows including continuously rockn' Old Dominion's Monarch Tavern and Teddy Riley's talent search 06'. So what's so special
about Shyroc hmm.... many say that its the swagger he has. But you can? Just says he's doing him either way it's
somthing unbelievable. Questions speculate all day,who is Shyroc? Can he rap? Where is he from? Why hasn't he been signed
yet? Answers to those questions....I'M DAT NUKKA!!! Of coarse the hottest in tha' "V" ,two up two down all day and why doesn't
he have a deal he believes he must just be ahead of his time plus people that made it from the "V" ain't helping their own
kind. Shyroc stated,"fuck em" no need to say names they know who they are. So now it's like, I tried this and I
tried that. Now I'm on some other shit, so the new motto is..."RUN WITH ME OR GET RAN THE FUCK OVA!!!"